Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cellphone Twins

I got together with a couple of writer friends last night. As we walked into the restaurant, I noticed one of them playing with her phone, and I almost snatched it from her.

Not because I was annoyed at her for paying more attention to the phone than me (let's face it, I can be kinda boring sometimes). Because I thought it was my phone.

It turns out that she and I have the exact same model phone. This is more of a coincidence than you think. I'm one of those types that always has a cell phone that's two or three models below state-of-the-art, one that most people haven't had for years. At the rate I'm going, I'm scheduled to have an iPhone around 2017.

It was pretty hilarious that we had to have our respective phones huddled next to us at the table, so that we wouldn't accidentally take each other's phones home with us.

It's kind of like we're cosmic twins.    

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