Thursday, July 14, 2011

Summer Residency

My MFA residency is hard work, but it's always a blast. Good people and good times in a great location, an island off the coast of Connecticut.

It will be a little bittersweet this time, though. This will be my last summer residency. I'm scheduled to graduate in the upcoming winter residency. It's been a long, hard road, and it'll be great to have an MFA, but I will miss these semiannual 10-day getaways to Connecticut to learn and socialize. I've never been to anything like them before and probably will never do anything like them again.

So I feel like I'm under a lot of pressure to make this final summer residency count. For example, I really want wireless Internet to work down there, even though it's on a remote island and my classmates have told me in the past that it barely works in one room on the island and so my wireless, if I can even get it, will be sketchy at best. I also really hope my workshop samples are well received, even though I know that I'll get good advice either way.

The excitement is turning into angst, and I have to calm myself down. Looks like it may be time to pack to take my mind off of the anxiety.

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